This blog was created as an introduction to
confidentiality. It is designed to ensure people in various fields know what
confidentiality means, understand the importance of maintaining it and learn
how it pertains to their job. As this blog evolves it will have various topics
to include confidentiality in the workplace, HIPAA rules and regulations and
more. I will begin with a Q&A structure
to get everyone familiar with confidentiality at its core before we get into
more detailed information.
What does confidentiality mean?
Confidentiality is the discretion of keeping secret information
Q: Why is confidentiality important?
A: Confidentiality is important because
it protects the secrets of individuals’ and acts as a barrier to information
and detail not supposed to be accessed. Confidentiality ensures that
information is not disclosed to unauthorized people and is managed by way of
data protection.
Q: how do you maintain confidentiality?
A: Confidentiality can be maintained by
keeping the clients records safe and appropriately secured such as being locked
and/or password-protected. Also, in most cases a client’s records can only be
released to a third party only after the client provides written consent.
I think this is a good starting point for
this blog and a new post will be up soon!